Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sending 2008 in another half an hour... Most of you might be out there drinking, partying and watching fireworks.. Hope all of you had fun!! =)

Had MJ session just now.. All of them were going out with their hubby / bf to celebrate and watch fireworks! Ha! How nice right?

Mood was not that great since yesterday.. Super pissed off!! Shall not blog about it.. Forget it man! Its just wasting my effort and time on it.. Plain foolish and stupid~

Am going back to school on Friday morning to do a last min check on my classroom.. Hope everything turn out smoothly on the first day of school.. Gonna prepare a clean set of clothes just in case anyone cry their heart out and puke on me again just like last year!! Haa..

I'm counting down to 2009...

Violet asked me something yesterday during lunch.. And surprisingly she said the same like what Karen said just now over msn.. Sigh! I am so blessed to have them.. =)

Another 10 mins to Year 2009...

Shall end this lousy year with this entry.. And may 2009 be a blessed and wonderful year filled with happiness and love.. Hugs!! ^^

Happy Happy New Year to All..... ^^

Counting down to 2009...

Another 7 hours to 2009.. Going anywhere for countdown? Any party tonight? Have a great time if you're celebrating this wonderful last day of the year with your loved ones!! Ha~ I will be rotting at home.. Alright, its not rotting.. treat it as a rest and relax at home bahx.. =)

Had wanted to go out tonight but plan was kinda ruined! Ha.. forget it man! Like I said, its just another day for me.. I'm now waiting for friends and cousin to come over for MJ session! Ha..

Will be heading to Nana's house tmr morning to view her wedding photo and video! Looking forward to spending new year with the girls.. ^^

School term starting next Monday! Gosh! I'm so tired....

Sigh ~

Happy New Year to U.. Hugs!!

回顾 2008 。。。

哇!! 岁月流转,时光飞逝,我们即将要迎接 2009 年的到来。。

这几天,一幕幕的往事都不由自主地涌上心头而不争气的眼泪也随着流下。。 2008 年人生充满了许多起起落落几乎把我从天堂打入地狱似的。。哈哈!真的过得好艰苦!!但庆幸的是我已看清了一切,学会坚强,勇敢地面对一切。。好恐怖!真的就像做了一场梦 -- 一场背后隐藏着黑暗的美梦!!多希望这场美梦不要醒。。 但事与愿违我必须接受事实。。我恨这一切。。我恨这一切对我作出的伤害。。够了!就让这些伤痛随着 2008 年的流逝而带走。。

打从 2004 年起我就该学会放手而不是一而再再而三地栽进这个坑。。



请赐我一个美好的 2009 年。



对与错只在一线之差。。 路是自己的,人生掌控在自己的手里。。 请好好珍惜你所有的一切,珍惜眼前人。。失去的可能永远都找不回。。找回了或许已不再像从前那般甜蜜了。。

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas at Bintan...

Christmas @ Bintan with Elin and Emily..


On the Ferry

Here's our lunch

Dinner @ The Kelong


Lunch @ Oleh Oleh Restaurant after massage

Horrible Yucky Chrysanthemum!!
It taste kinda sour and sweet.. *puke*

Another round of full body scrub and massage in the late afternoon..