Friday, March 20, 2009


最近正在追看 《最美丽的第七天》。。




  1. 在爱情国度里,有人拼命追求幸福,亦有人因为害怕付出,害怕失去而放弃幸福。

  2. 一段感情只能有两个人,容不下三个人。

  3. 生命是讲质素而不是讲长短。

  4. 人生就好像摇摇板,当你落到最低的时候,实际就是你反弹到最高的时候。当你要升起的时候,就会忘记当前的失落。可是你对面的人呢?当一个升高的时候,另外一个就要从高处滑落下来,两个人的命运就是这样交替着的。人生就是这么起起落落。

  5. 有时候,命运是很奇妙的,你以为会碰灰的时候,老天就会给你一个惊喜。

  6. 昨天的错,换来今天的难过,今天的我,悔恨当初做错,难道今天的我,再认错已是太傻?

  7. 就像这一支笔,你看他的墨水,快用完,就像快死似的,其实不是的,只不过是物尽其用,一点也没有浪费,所以死也死得有价值。

  8. 如果我心中是有一把枰子的话,我知道已经失去平衡。因为我心中多了一个人,那个人就是你。

  9. 上帝创造天地万物,做了七天时间,他将最美丽的事物,都放在世人的面前,所以人生在世,无论你经历过什么,只要你懂得珍惜,一切都可以是最美好的。

  10. 上帝在向你关上所有门的同时,必然会为你打开一扇窗。

  11. 在你被雨水打得全身湿透的时候,你一定没有想到,乌云上会有一个耀眼的太阳正在等待着。

  12. 黑夜的每个角落,都充斥着他的身影,弥漫着他的气味,残留着他的笑声。她与他的感觉渐渐失去。虽然失去了,至少曾经拥有,和他一起笑着走过的一段路。

  13. 分开是为了等待重逢,经历过考验的爱情,才能牢固,才是真爱的开始。

  14. 每个人的缘份就在一念之间,错过了就再也不会来了。一次偶遇,一次小小的巧合,都是注定的。属于你的即使外界干扰的力量如何强大,心灵之间的感应也会彼此相同。身处何地,都会不期而遇。

  15. 上帝在造人的时候,只造了亚当和夏娃,大概两个人的世界里根本容不下第三者。

  16. 生命中,不断地有人离开或进入。于是,看见的,看不见的;记住的,遗忘了。生命中,不断地有得到和失落。于是,看不见的,看见了;遗忘的,记住了。然而,看不见的,是不是就等于不存在?记住的,是不是永远不会消失?

  17. 缘份就是这么奇怪,他们好像是分开了,不过上天其实想你绕一个圈,一天,他们终于在街上遇上,只要两个人心里有对方,无论发生什么事,有什么误会也好,他们都会再次走在一起,之前发生的事,其实上天,是给他们一个考验。

  18. 最美丽的第七天,第七天是短暂的,但却是最美丽的。一对恋人,无论是能够朝夕相对,还是相隔万里,珍惜在一起的每一分钟,过了的便好好回味,未尝不是一种美。生活中也是一样,没什么是十全十美的,用心去发现,好好享受那一刻,记住最美丽的瞬间,你已得到很多。

  19. 上帝创造了第七天,是为了让工作的人们得到休息。而休息并不是在浪费时间,浪费生命,它是为了让人们有停下来的时间去思考,去感悟生命。可以说,一个整天埋头工作,而不知道休息并有所感悟的人是不成功的。因此,称第七天是最美丽的,因为日日夜夜的忙碌让人们没有时间去发现生活中的美丽,其实这种美丽随处可见。



I am so hungry...

Time checked now is 0202hrs.. Can't get to sleep.. OMG! My stomach is growling! I am so freaking hungry~ I can't make up my mind whether to eat or just hang on with the hunger to lala land.. Hehe! Yes! Jen is fickle minded.. Ha!

Anyway, just made up my mind....

And.. I am waiting for my prata to arrive!! Yeah.. Yippie!!

Hmm.. Blame it on me for skipping my dinner! Ha.. Cos had a sinful lunch with mum at JP this afternoon and I thought I will be able to do without dinner.. Nah, I surrender.. Ha!

Three more days to Term Two.. so sad~ I don't want to report to work! I don't want! Can I extend the school holiday? One week is simply not enough! Reported to work on Monday to Wednesday and I left with four days of rest! Miserable pathetic four days.. Sob~

Alright, thats all for today.. No energy to blog.. Goodnight!

Have a happy Friday!! =)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Hmm.. Jen was kinda emo yesterday but not to worry, she's fine now! Yippie! Yeah! I'm back to norm.. Jumping around and laughing away crazily.. Haa.. And who's the culprit? It was all due to PMS la~

Goodness! There were lots of tags to reply and it took me abt an hour to reply tags and blog hopping reading their blogs! Ha..

Am now having my March school holiday.. Its gonna last for a week! Required to clock in 19.5 hours.. I have it planned already and most likely I will be able to clock in my hours by Wednesday afternoon! Ha.. I wanna have a good rest before the new school term start..

My kids should be having a great time tracing their names at home during this school break.. I've given each of them a piece of paper with their names in dotted lines.. Ha! Told them to practice over the school holiday! Haha.. *torture them*

Looking forward to another round of MJ session with the girls.. ^^

Sunday, March 15, 2009

leave me alone...

Jen is feeling moody..
not in the mood for anything..
I want to catch a movie tmr..

Monday, March 9, 2009

new look....

saturday was a long long tiring day for me.. woke up early and went to the pool.. was dipping in the pool for almost 3 hours! wow! nice! haa.. i looked like a lobster after that! lolx.. home sweet home in the evening.. headed out prawning with the girls after resting.. it was fun! *heart heart them* we missed the prawning and outings days!

we caught 27 prawns with 2 rods in 3 hours!

Prawns with the powerful and awful fan..

Yum! Yum! Free sotong ball and crabsticks too..

back home at around 3am.. supper shagged! woke up at around 10am the next morning to attend church service.. wow wow! saw Abi and mummy.. the baby is due in July! its a baby boy!

happily out hunting for ICE in the afternoon.. had a great and enjoyable day though the weather was freaking hot making me terribly shagged.. ha! =)

told my girls that i'm gonna go for a haircut.. they said NOOOOOOOOoooo.... ha! asked them why? reason given was they don't want me to cut.. faint! My reply back was "Do I need your permission to cut my hair?" Ha.. and none replied~ lolx!

anyway, i had my hair done this afternoon le.. finally decided to cut it short! felt so refresh! sigh~ suddenly miss my long hair.. gonna wait fr a year for it to grow.. *sob* i shall perm it when its long.. hehe!

My new look.. Ha! alright, maybe not much difference la! Look at my shoulders and arms still red! looks like a lobster rite? lolx!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Brought the kids to the Vision Care Hub for excursion today.. We had a great time there!! Morning session was kind of rush as some of the kids were late.. Afternoon session with lesser children was much peaceful.. Only one terrible incident happened on the bus back to school.. Our Miss Eleanor did something terrible! Noticed that her eyes were filled with tears, I went up to her and asked "Eleanor, are u ok? What happened?" Our little darling here replied softly "I want to puke.." She almost threw on me as I was leaning close to her.. Poor girl~ There was no time for me to get either plastic bag or tissue paper.. I stupidly sticked out both hands in time to catch her "gold".. Sob! Sob! I almost threw out too! My poor girl looked so guilty.. I had to clean my hands and pacify her..

Hmm.. I have the sudden urge to cut my hair! Yeah, cut it short! But..... I don't have the courage! Ha.. Think I have never try cutting it short ever since sec 1.. Someone told me got the urge then go cut lo.. Just don't regret cos regret also useless~ Ha! Should I? Cut it? Perm it? Or leave it as it is? Argh~

Here's a pic of the rainbow I mentioned in the previous entry

Look! Its a black tau kwa..
My colleague bought de.. Yucky! I don't like it..

It's so lovely..

Joel's mummy bought it for me on his birthday..